The 3 Collar Tribes are gone on Survivor 2015 as the remaining castaways adjust to their new camps with old alliances falling under the pressure of new opportunities.

Last week’s double elimination sent home Lindsey Cascaddan pre-shuffle and Max Dawson as the first to be voted off from Nagarote. That leaves Escameca with a numbers advantage opportunity if they can hold on to things for awhile longer. Could a bromance put that all in danger?
In the preview for this week’s Survivor 2015 episode we’ve got Joaquin and Rodney with a new found appreciation for each other’s macho ways, but that’s got Rodney’s old allies worried about Escameca. Did they make a mistake not getting rid of him over Lindsey when they had the chance?
Over on Nagarote there’s uncertainty between Shirin and Carolyn, but I wouldn’t exactly call that an old alliance since they were never really that close. Considering Carolyn flipped on her former tribemate Max last week I don’t think she’d have any issue doing the same to Shirin given the chance.
Wednesday night’s Survivor episode will be back to one-hour when we’ll find out which new tribe comes out on top and who is the next castaway voted off Worlds Apart.
Survivor 2015 – Worlds Apart Episode 6 Preview: