We’re down to the last two weeks of Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong and with just five castaways in the race we’ve got an unlikely pair emerging. Plus, CBS is promising a “shocking!” outcome with the next Tribal Council.

After Tai’s failed attempt to flip the majority against Michele he was left out in the cold at Tribal Council, but now Michele is ready to bring the heat and isn’t happy with what he did. At least she’s unhappy for a few minutes.
Jumping to a new partnership, as Tai likes to do, he offers her a confirmation that he does have an Immunity Idol and they can use it together to target someone. That certainly turns her frown upside down!
But there’s a big Tribal ahead, according to the CBS promo below. They’re hyping the next Tribal Council as another event of things changing fast and castaways who think they’re safe suddenly aren’t. Soo are we jumping to it being either Aubry, Cydney, or Joe? Hmm. Well we’re running out of options, right? Check it out below and share your thoughts.
Which castaway do you hope to see head off to Ponderosa next?