Next time on Survivor 2017: drop your Buffs! It’s time for the Shuffle, but no big surprise there, right? We already saw Michaela with a blue Buff in the season intro despite starting with a red/orange Buff. Now it’s time for some change up.

Along with the Shuffle we’ve got the first of the season’s Idol twists with a return to the in-challenge retrieval of a “hidden in plain sight” target. Oh, and there’s a goat.
So obviously the big story line next Wednesday night on Survivor Game Changers will be how the new tribes work out just after the original tribes had started to settle in. Well, I guess Mana was more of settling in to a losing rut so this should shake things up.
As for who ends up on which tribe the spoilers are spelled out with scenes featuring JT, Malcolm, Varner, Sandra, Aubry, and Michaela wearing their new blue Buffs for Nuku. We’ll keep watching for reveals on who else joined their new tribe for the other three spots.
Then for the Hidden Immunity Idols this first one will remind you of Season 31 when Idols were tucked away into the challenges. In the sneak peek clip at the end of the first episode the bundled up Idol was extremely obvious so maybe it’ll be a little more hidden in the actual challenge.
You can also get a peek at the letter explaining exactly where to find the Idol plus a hint on the timing to use for getting it. “You do not have to be a puzzle solver in order to nab it. In fact, your best opportunity may be just after the challenge [unk] your tribemates are either celebrating a victory or agonizing in defeat.”
And as for that goat, it looks like the new Nuku tribe catches themselves a goat. JT and Malcolm are seen racing after it and Malcolm appears to shout that he’s caught it. Think they’ll eat it? Well if Tai isn’t on their shuffled tribe then maybe they just might.
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