Survivor 2010: Episode 7 Challenge Speculation

Update: Survivor 2010 and 2011 will be filmed in Nicaragua on Big Corn Island off the Eastern Coast.

It looks like we are going to have separate reward and immunity challenges this week on Survivor 2010: Heroes vs. Villains.  In the this challenge we are in the water for some basketball.  Three members of each tribe race through the water to grab a ball and try to shoot it into their basket while the other tribe attempts to stop them.  I hope someone doesn’t drown!episode 7 reward 2episode 7 reward 3episode 7 reward

Why is Russ trying to baptize Rupert in the second picture lol?

For the next challenge we are climbing a rope in a web looking contraction.  One at a time the team members must climb a rope and cross a net to grap an item and bring it back.  The first to get all their items in the basket wins.  Colby needs to step it up for the Heroes because they pretty much laid it all on the line for him.

episode 7 immunityepisode 7 immunity 2episode 7 immunity 3We all know the Heroes win because we watch the final showdown between Rob and Russell where Jerri is the deciding vote to send Rob packing.  According to blackwhale this is the final storyline for Russ and by Episode 8 Parvati will emerge as running things for the Villains.  I can’t wait to see if this spoiler is correct but I’m betting it is.  For some reason Russ is totally smitten with this chick.

Vidcaps from Survivor Phoenix.

How do you think all this will play out?


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