Jeff Probst: That Wasn’t The First Time Visiting Shamar At Camp

Jeff Probst on Survivor

Last week on Survivor 2013 Caramoan, we watched as yet another player was taken out of the game because of a medical emergency.

This time around, it was the controversial Shamar, who had threatened to leave the game earlier. So naturally, fans and fellow players were calling B.S. on the whole thing, until it was confirmed he was really hurt. And it turns out, host Jeff Probst was even skeptical at first because — get this — Jeff had gone to the island earlier in the week when Shamar had threatened to quit! But that had unaired. Jeff told the story to Entertainment Weekly:

“Being completely honest, yes. It went through my head because I had already visited Shamar a few days earlier (which we didn’t air) and he really seemed to want to go home, but his tribe talked him into staying,” Jeff said. “So when I got the call that he needed to see medical I was already speculating about the situation. But when I arrived it was clear his eye was injured, and when it comes to vision, you can’t take any risks. The call from the doctors to pull him from the game was an easy one to make. Whether he was secretly relieved, only he truly knows.”

Jeff also teases that Brandon Hantz’s next blowup will be “historic.”


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