Survivor 2014 Cast of Cagayan: Meet The Aparri Tribe

Survivor Aparri tribe

Meet the Aparri Tribe, part of Survivor Cagayan premiering on February 26, 2014 on CBS. This tribe is one of three and represents “Brawn” as part of the season’s twist pitting three attributes: brawn, brains, and beauty; against one another. Each tribe consists of six contestants for a total of eighteen castaways this season on Survivor 2014.

The members of Aparri include Cliff Robinson, a 46 year old former NBA player, Lindsey Ogle, a 29 year old hairstylist, Sarah Lacina, a 29 year old police officer, Tony Vlachos, a 39 year old police officer, Trish Hegarty, a 48 year old pilates trainer, and Yung Woo Hwang, a 29 year old martial arts instructor.

This tribe is slated to have the physical advantage in challenges as the “Brawn” element but as we all know it takes more than just strength to win at Survivor, but will it be enough to push them ahead in numbers and gain the overall advantage? The group does have a lot of youth with half of their tribe at age 29.

Check out the Aparri tribe members pictures in the gallery below (see the full Survivor Cagayan cast gallery here) and see if you can predict how they’ll do.

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