CBS has just announced the Survivor 2014 finale date for Cagayan, Season 28. Perhaps emboldened by its recent ratings victory over American Idol the show will air its season finale on May 21st 8-10PM, the exact same times as FOX’s Idol finale. Yikes.
Bucking its recent trend Survivor finales on Sunday nights the series will crown the Cagayan Sole Survivor on its regularly scheduled night of Wednesdays. The reunion show will follow as usual.
I think this is a rotten idea since I cover both shows and it’s already a hassle on regular Wednesday night overlaps, but this just seems like an unnecessary challenge for them. Hopefully it works out for Survivor though.
As for the recent bump in ratings hopefully producers notice viewers are coming back with the show’s all-new cast and no Redemption Island. Let’s keep that theme going, CBS.
Source: CBS press release