David Samson holds the honor of being the first person voted off Survivor 2014 after last night’s blindside at Tribal Council sent the Luzon “Brains” leader off in to the jungle. Hear what he had to say in his “The Day After” exit interview.

David relies heavily on comparing Survivor to baseball and his work for the Marlins (boy is he going to get ragged on back at his job after this), but I won’t run through his list of similarities there. Instead I thought his “best/worst” moments were more interesting.
David thought his best moment was envisioning his camp as his home for 39 days and using positive thinking to put him on the path to victory. On the other side, his worst moment was running out of coconuts to drink. He was surprised at how quickly and easily they ran out of energy in the game and contributes that to poor performance in the challenge.
Watch David Samson’s “The Day After” interview video to hear what he had to say on his experience on Survivor 2014: