The Survivor tribes have merged and we’re ready for some action tonight in the latest episode, “Wrinkle in the Plan.” Looks like that wrinkle could be when it comes to Jon & Jaclyn’s strong position in the field of castaways.

Normally we’d pick up as the castaways returned from Tribal Council, but with no vote-out last week we’re off and running in this week’s turn of events.
We’re set to have a tough looking Reward Challenge, yep Exile arena appears to be over, and then a mental challenge for Immunity. Let’s find out if the struggle to pit Josh versus Jeremy works itself up in to the drama Survivor has promised us.
In tonight’s open we’ve got Jon and Jaclyn trying to decide which direction is their best option. Jon seems initially resistant to going against Jeremy since he’s the leader of their pack, but Jaclyn isn’t bending so he gives in and agrees with the shift.
Reward Challenge:
Wowza this is a big one. The tribe is split in two where they’ll have to build a pyramid and work their way up to raise their flag at the top of the platform.
Yellow team has Jeremy, Reed, Keith, Natalie, and Wes. Blue has Jaclyn, Baylor, Josh, Jon,and Alec. Missy wasn’t picked so she doesn’t have a shot at the reward of a taco picnic.
Yellow has a slight lead and unloads their pyramid pieces first before heading back. Blue is lagging as Yellow continues their slight lead and has all their parts to the building stage.
Yellow completes their pyramid and Natalie climbs up to release the latch and let them pull their statue to the top. Yellow wins!
But wait, there’s more! Before Yellow can eat the taco picnic they have to pick someone to go to Exile. So I guess that isn’t over just yet after all. The winning team picks Jon to head off in to the jungle alone.
Reward time arrives and they’ve got themselves one heck of a taco bar. This looks awesome and Wes can’t resist. He overloads on tacos and drinks until we can only assume he’s recycling all that back on to the beach.
There isn’t much game talk at the reward lunch, but back at camp Josh is taking advantage of the time with Jeremy gone to see what he can work with Baylor.
Jon arrives in Exile and there’s a clue waiting for him. Oh yes, the Idol is now hidden at Exile instead of back at camp. That’s a big deal and worked out very well for him.
Here we go with the battle of the sexes. Back at the Huyopa camp some of the guys are being jerks to the ladies and they’re getting tired of it. Could be trouble for the guys here as they think they’ve got Jon & Jaclyn lined up to vote out Jeremy.
Immunity Challenge:
Immunity is back up for grabs and it’s a mental challenge. Jeff is going to show a series of symbols that must be repeated by the castaways. Get it wrong and they’re out.
First out we’ve got Jon, which Jeff credits to two days on Exile. Reed follows Jon in the next round. Oops, now Wes and Alec are out as well. Seven remain.
Natalie is out followed by Baylor. Five left in the comp. Make it four. Jaclyn is out next. Josh, Jeremy, Missy, and Keith are all still there, but not for long. Missy and Keith go next.
It all comes down to Josh and Jeremy as they’re split in the last round… Jeremy wins Immunity!
Someone is heading home, but it won’t be Jeremy. Back at camp they’re scrambling for a new target and that falls on Baylor, at least from Josh’s perspective and he knows that means he needs Jon & Jaclyn. Speaking of those two, they’re off trying to decide who to target.
Things remain split between going for Baylor and Josh. Jon wants to remain aligned with Jaclyn, but he’s still stressing their decision while she’s adamant on the choice. That’s making me think she’ll get what she wants and Baylor will stay.
Tribal Council:
We’ve got a lot of time heading in to Council which means we should have some fun here. Jeff doesn’t hold back on identifying the splits and that leaves Jon and Jaclyn exposed as yet again the pivot players.
It’s time to vote! Jeff tallies the votes and reveals the results: Baylor, Josh, Baylor, Josh, Baylor, Josh, Baylor, Josh, Baylor, Josh, and … Josh.
Josh has been voted off Survivor by a vote of 6-5 over Baylor.
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