Jon Misch was voted off Survivor last night with an Immunity Idol sitting in his pocket. Jon didn’t leave bitter that night and he’s feeling just fine in his “Day After” interview.

Jon says coming in to Survivor 2014 he and Jaclyn expected to be targeted early and often for appearing to be a more athletic couple. Comparing their expectations to how things went Jon says he’s pretty happy with the results.
When it came time to listen to his gut, Jon says he didn’t do that and it cost him his game, but may have saved Jaclyn her’s. He knows that if he had played the Idol this week then Jaclyn would have been voted out and he would have been targeted for the next several rounds. Jon concedes it was better course for them as a pair to follow given the circumstances and he’ll walk away happy with his experience on Survivor.
Watch Jon’s interview below and then get ready for his Ponderosa clip next.
Jon Misch – Survivor ‘The Day After’ interview: