Survivor 2014: Quitter McGee ‘Day After’ Elimination Interview

The latest castaway to be eliminated on Survivor 2014 did so by her own choice making her a Quitter. I really don’t know why they let players who quit have any official interviews after doing that, but here is Quitter McGee’s “The Day After” interview.

Survivor 2014 quitter Julie McGee
Survivor 2014 quitter Julie McGee – Source: CBS

Quitter explains it was cold that one night it rained. That was tough, explains Quitter. Of course not as tough as compared to seasons when it rained frequently and for a longer duration, but Quitter didn’t come here to deal with the elements. She came here to win a million dollars.

Quitter says it was better to play against her boyfriend John Rocker since the other castaways were giving him grief. Being on the other team let her avoid that additional drama and focus on things like quitting Survivor because it rained that one night and she was missing John. Anyway, here’s Quitter’s interview if you’d like to see it.

Survivor 2014 – Julie ‘Quitter’ McGee ‘Day After’ Interview:


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