Survivor 2014 – Sneak Peek Clip – Cagayan Episode 06

Survivor 2014 this week brings the coveted Tribe Merge for the remaining castaways with 22 days left to go in the competition. Wow they’re not even half way and this season is already awesome.

Survivor 2014 - Tribe Merge on Cagayan
Survivor 2014 – Tribe Merge on Cagayan – Source: CBS

Solana heads to Aparri’s tribe which makes Spencer even a more confident considering they also have the numbers on there side of Survivor Cagayan. Well, as long as Sarah sticks with her new tribe instead of going back to her original group which just might happen.

Funny to look back and remember how annoying Spencer was in his preseason content and Jeff Probst saying he didn’t think Spencer would last long at all with his attitude. Here he is at Tribe Merge after some close calls. This cast is really surprising me all around which is awesome.

Check out the sneak peek clip below for an early preview of this week’s Survivor episode and don’t miss our photo gallery over here too.

Sneak Peek Clip – Survivor Cagayan Episode 6:


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