Survivor 2014 Spoilers: Reward Challenge – Week 10

This week on Survivor the remaining nine castaways compete for this week’s Reward: a roasted turkey! No, no. That’s what you get for surviving the in-laws this week, but let’s hope for something good out there for the castaways.

Jon Misch performs in Survivor Reward Challenge
Jon Misch performs in Survivor Reward Challenge – Source: CBS

CBS doesn’t give us much of a glimpse as we head in to this week’s Survivor 2014 episode, but with an odd number someone will have to sit out again as the other eight players will be split over two tribes.

Teams will dive in and swim across to a platform where they’ll climb up and have to jump to retrieve three or four bags hanging out over the water, each with a key tied on. There are four more stations beyond that floating out in the water for more fun activities. Probably something that needs to be unlocked.

Finally at the last platform, shared between the two tribes, there are a set of steps, some rope, a buoy, and something else tied shut. Yeah, I’ve got no idea on what all they’ll do at that final stage, but I’m excited to see what it will be.

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Source: CBS


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