It’s time for Reward on Survivor 2014 by way of petty arguing and sniping among the final eight remaining castaways on Blood Vs Water
The set up is fancy, as usual, but seemingly simple. Each player is represented by a skull with a hanging rock above it, but not for long. In one of the preview clips we can see the castaways scribbling on a board so they may have to guess at things in each round.
Players will take the axe seen in the middle of the playing field and chop the rope above a competitor’s “skull” with what looks like two cuts required to drop the rock and crush their token skull.
We also see in the episode preview that Reed is likely targeted by Baylor and calls her a brat as a result. Well that’s probably not a good idea unless Missy was already eliminated, or if that was the chop that sent Reed out of the comp.
Check out the photos below and see what we can expect on this week’s Survivor episode: