Survivor 2014 Spoilers: Reward Challenge – Week 8

This week on Survivor 2014 the remaining castaways have abandoned the Exile Island arena in favor of a new Reward Challenge. Looks like we could be done with Exile for Blood vs Water.

Survivor 2014 castaways Baylor & Reed pick teams
Survivor 2014 castaways Baylor & Reed pick teams – Source: CBS

What we can tell in these Survivor spoiler photos are Baylor and Reed are picked as team captains where they’ll likely do a schoolyard pick as Huyapo is split in to two groups. Those teams will have to lift huge puzzle pieces on to a sled and push it down the playing field.

We can see the teams are split up five and five with the yellow team consisting of Keith, Natalie, Reed, Jeremy, and Wes. Over on the blue team you’ve got Josh, Jon, Baylor, Alec, and Jaclyn. Not a bad split for their chances.

It’s safe to assume the teams will be racing to complete the building up their puzzle at the far side once all the pieces are set in to place. First team to get that all wrapped up should end up with something tasty to enjoy. Anything like a tool or shelter would just end up in the hands of the losing team as well so it’s probably something edible/disposable.

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