Survivor 2015: Nina Poersch ‘Day After’ Elimination Interview [VIDEO]

Nina Poersch was voted off Survivor this week and I don’t know if you knew this, but she’s deaf. And everyone hated her for it. It was the reason she was eliminated and possibly even causing the polar ice caps to melt. Good grief.

Nina Poersch 'Day After' Interview on Survivor
Nina Poersch ‘Day After’ Interview on Survivor – Source: CBS/YouTube

Jeff Probst says age is a big factor in Survivor and I think he’s right, but as the season’s oldest player Nina saw things differently and couldn’t stop leaning on her deafness as the root of all her struggles. In her “Day After” interview Nina says this was why she was eliminated and goes in to detail on how it stunted her game.

I would absolutely believe it was a challenge and obstacle for her, but unless cruelty was edited out of all three episodes so far on Survivor 2015 then her tribe did not reject her over losing her hearing. Seems more likely it was the chip on her shoulder weighing her down.

Nina Poersch says she would not do Survivor again because the competitions were too hard. I’m kidding. She wouldn’t do it again because of her hearing. Seriously. She thinks maybe if she had been on a different tribe that wasn’t so mean to her then maybe it would have worked out okay with her disability, but she isn’t willing to take that chance. I’m okay with that.

Watch Nina’s “Day After” interview and find out more about her time on Survivor 2015: Worlds Apart.


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