This week on CBS the Survivor 2015 premiere arrives Wednesday night at 8PM ET/PT for a 90-minute season debut when the 18 new castaways arrive for Worlds Apart and the chance at the million dollar prize.

Kicking off the season this Wednesday we’ll meet all the new players of the Survivor 2015 cast before the action gets rolling and according to CBS the wait won’t be long:
Minutes into the game, castaways are forced to choose between honesty or deception, and one castaway becomes ill after trying to satisfy his need for protein.
Well isn’t that really always part of the Survivor season start? Which castaways will be honest and which will try to hide their true colors? Must be something much more forced on a deliberate choice by the players. Jeff might have something up his rolled sleeves for this premiere. Could the players be force to self-identify to form the tribes?
Now as for that ill castaway, could we get an early departure from the game? I hope not since I’d rather not see the tempo thrown off before we even hit our first Tribal Council!
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Survivor 2015 Worlds Apart Season Premiere: