Jennifer Lanzetti became the latest victim of To Tang’s competency at Survivor challenges this week when Brawn came up empty in a brawn-geared Immunity competition.

Now on the other side of the jungle Jenny gets to reflect on the game and doesn’t really blame anyone for being voted off. I mean how can you blame anyone over that totally self-inflicted meltdown that broke up her alliance and had them turn on her? We may never know whose fault that was…
Okay, so she totally goofed at Tribal Council and did herself in, but let’s not forget that she survived an ear bug. She deserves a badge or something for that instead of being the first of many medevacs this season of Kaoh Rong.
Despite really wanting to do well on Survivor and having read all the books that tell her to think positive and you’ll be rewarded, Jenny is at a bit of a loss over how this all happened. The Brawn tribe as a whole really let each other down these past two weeks and it’s probably only going to get tougher for them.
Check out Jennifer Lanzetti’s “The Day After” interview after being voted off Survivor last night.