A new sneak peek of tonight’s Survivor 2016 premiere of Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty as 18 new castaways head to Cambodia’s Kaoh Rong to see who will be the sole Survivor.

We got to watch the castaways scramble overboard in the preview clip earlier, but here’s another look at the game getting started both on the boat and ashore.
Here we see the players jumping off the boat and gathering the few items of gear they could scavenge for their new home on the beach. Settling in we’ll watch their camp construction and see what they can do to make shelter ahead of a very unpleasant season of weather.
Immunity will be up for grabs tonight as well with the tribes working their way in from the beach and solving a puzzle along the way, just as you’d expect. Check out all the pics below.
Image credit/source: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment