CBS has announced when we’ll be able to find out who won Survivor 2016 as the Kaoh Rong castaways close in on the season finale next month.

There are only six castaways left and with three set to go before the Jury that gives us three more rounds of eliminations and set us up for the Survivor finale date.
The two-hour Survivor finale for Kaoh Rong will be on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 starting at 8/7c but that two hours is really three with the always fun live reunion show that follows immediately after the Kaoh Rong winner has been revealed.
There are only six castaways left with Joe, Cydney, Aubry, Michele, Tai, and Jason. One of these players will walk away with a million dollars but there are plenty of struggles left ahead to make that happen.
Who do you want to win Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong at the season finale in May? We’re almost there but the season isn’t over yet! Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates to get all the latest Survivor news sent your way.
Source: CBS