Survivor’s hidden Immunity Idols date back to Season 11, Survivor Guatemala, but this year for Survivor 2016’s 32nd season we’re getting a new “Super Idol” twist on the old twist.

Jeff Probst revealed to EW that unlike past hidden Idols, the Idols on Kaoh Rong can be combined for an even crazier power. So just like before, one Idol works like it always has. You can play it before the votes are revealed, but now if there are two Idols they can become much more useful.
Instead of having to blindly use your hidden Immunity Idol, if you can combine it with a second Idol then you’re allowed to wait until after Jeff reads the votes. Sure, a post-vote Idol isn’t new, but this one works differently with its dual actions. Probst gives his take on the new Survivor twist:
It essentially becomes a free pass. But you can obviously only use it for one person, so that means that you have to have a strong alliance because at least one of you is giving up their own personal protection to save their partner or possibly a third person. It has the potential to be a massive game changer, but like all big moves it requires a big risk.
I like it for a couple of reasons. This gives us something new at Tribal Council and shockers on the other castaways usually makes for more fun at home. Secondly, it will draw out the reveals of Idols and force confessions of these powers which have often remained secret. The challenge here will be whether or not the Idol holder can trust the person he or she is telling and then on the flipside, the recipient of this knowledge must decide if they’ll believe it.
Watching Jeremy using his Idol on Fishbach last season was great action at Tribal and this sort of working together for a big surprise could happen again here. Since both holders will know the power is true there’s a decent chance we could see it come together. Seems like a perfect post-merge scenario once the separate factions are working hard to snuff old alliances.
What do you think of the new Survivor 2016 twist for hidden Immunity Idols? Is it a good move by production or just another way to muddle the game? Share your thoughts!
Maybe Tai will be the first player to find out about the new secret for Survivor if he keeps this up from last week. Of course he might want to think of a better way to get that done.