Kyle Jason arrives at Ponderosa as the latest castaway to be voted off Survivor last night when Tai’s big plan to eliminate Michele went belly up and the majority of the alliance held their ground. Now at Ponderosa Kyle is reunited with Scot, but will they steal everyone’s forks and knives?

Jason says that he knew it was coming but it still wasn’t easy to see his name written down at Tribal Council, but now he’s out and heading for an easier time at the resort.
Scot is so excited to see Jason again that he’s running around in his underwear and a wrestling mask with a bottle of very expensive whisky. Lots of “bro” and high five moments between the two as the other Jury members discuss the reunion.
Jason explains he’s been watching Survivor since it started and it was something he could enjoy with his dad, who has since passed. We hear about Jason’s family life and how he says he’s a little girl about his wife. He also doesn’t often open up about his personal life, but thinks this experience helped him do that.
You can watch Kyle’s journey to Ponderosa in the video below then get ready for next week’s Survivor as we close in on the season 32 finale!
Kyle Jason arrives at Ponderosa – Survivor 2016: