Survivor 2016: Ponderosa – Neal Gottlieb Arrives

Last night on Survivor 2016 marked the first Jury member selection and the second medical evacuation of the Kaoh Rong season when castaway Neal Gottlieb was pulled from the game.

Ponderosa on Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong
Ponderosa on Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong – Source: CBS/YouTube

Neal developed a bad infection just below the knee and the doctor was worried over it potentially disabling Neal for the rest of his life if not treated properly. And with that, Neal was gone, but not without the promise that he could return to the game as the first member of Jury and relax for a few weeks at Ponderosa.

Heading out on the boat Neal tells us it’s about the journey for him and he had an incredible time in the game. Considering how well the Brains tribe performed and that he had an Idol in his pocket I’d say he definitely had a good run and a comfortable one at that. Aside from the pus spewing infection on his knee and all.

After a short stay at the hospital Neal returns to Survivor with a bandaged knee and a positive outlook with the hopes that he’ll be back for another season. Kinda feels like everyone is saying that these days.

As for that hidden Idol that he held on to instead of handing it off to Aubry, he kept it as a souvenir from his time on Survivor. I had given him benefit of the doubt that maybe he just was too overwhelmed to remember to hand it off, but nope. Neal says he’ll pull this out when he’s 80 and think of the experience. Oh well.

Since he won’t have the chance to win them during the game, Neal is handed all of his letters from home. We listen in as Neal reads a letter from his father and tears up in the process before wrapping up his Ponderosa video with a few more wise words.

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