Survivor 2016: Tribe Shuffle Twist On Kaoh Rong

This week on Survivor we’ve got a twist heading our way to shake things up for the Kaoh Rong castaways, but at this point there are very little details on what to expect.

Survivor 2016 twist hits Kaoh Rong
Survivor 2016 twist hits Kaoh Rong – Source: CBS/YouTube

From the promo below we hear Jeff Probst revealing to the Survivor castaways that they’re going to drop their buffs and grab a new color, but it’s not just that easy. So what could this be?

Heading in to the Shuffle we know there are thirteen castaways so there can’t be two even tribes. Making new alliances not long before an inevitable Tribe Merge would make a numbers advantage a big deal for the teams.

Maybe we’ll see that odd man out end up being something that’s decided either by a competition or by draw for which tribe ends up with more on their team. There could be seven of each color and the last person draws not knowing which way it’ll take them.

Or, maybe it’s a competition for the first twelve since we see the castaways are ready to compete. This could have the winning team getting to take home a seventh player and one up ahead of the merge.

Any ideas or hopes for what we could see this week on Kaoh Rong? Share your thoughts below and get ready for Wednesday night’s new episode!


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