Last week we saw hints of a potential female alliance on Gondol, the Beauty tribe of Survivor 2016. Now in photos from the second episode of Kaoh Rong it looks like that bond may be growing stronger.

There always seems to be the quick hurry to lockdown an alliance and what easier line to draw than down the division of men and women. Gondol tribemates Julia Sokolowski, Michele Fitzgerald, and Anna Khait didn’t hesitate to start considering their options together which would give them control of half the votes at Tribal Council. But like we saw in Week 1, half the vote only gets you to a tie.
The photo above shows the ladies making a pinky swear and while we can’t be sure I’d be willing to wager its on a promise to stick together. Now these three already discussed possibly bringing in Tai Trang as their fourth member, but did he gamble that away with his Idol hunt the other day? Their other options would be Caleb Reynolds or Nick Mairoano and so far we’ve seen them sharing more casual time with Caleb.
If things do split along the sexes and the ladies are able to peel off Tai then Caleb or Nick better be worried and between those two I’d put Nick more in the danger zone for a vote-out if the rest of the situation holds together.
What do you think of this potential alliance? Strong and smart or weak and foolish? Would any of them be better off splitting up and siding with the guys? Share your thoughts!