Survivor 2018 Ponderosa: John Hennigan Arrives [VIDEO]

John Hennigan was voted out of Survivor 2018 in dramatic tribal council that involved two hidden immunity idols being played on other people and a complete blindside.

Now, the former professional wrestler takes us inside his time at Ponderosa as Juror No. 2, where he reflects on his time in the Survivor David vs. Goliath game, his upcoming wedding and who he is and wants to be as a person.

“I’ve been thinking about about who I am and who I want to be after this experience,” John says. “It’s scary to be vulnerable, especially when people call you the Mayor of Slamtown.”

John also admitted that he was feeling quite guilty about voting out Christian because he really grew to like him. He again laughed about calling it a “hashtag brochacho blindside” because that’s exactly what it was. Only it was him and not Christian who was blindsided.

He let us know that he is getting married in a month, so he spent some of his time at Survivor 37 Ponderosa talking to Fijian women about their wedding customs. He says he hopes to take some of what he learned from them and incorporate it into his wedding vows.

And like most Survivor castaways who end up at Ponderosa, John has decided to take the time he has there to really get to know himself and see how he can improve upon what he learns. He says he’s only ever been really good at being a professional wrestler, but he would like to also he really good at being a human being in general.

“What I hope to get out of my time here is some authentic introspection,” John expressed. “I’m going to spend the next 15 days thinking about how I can be a better human.”

Check out John’s Ponderosa photo gallery and video below and let us know what you think of his blindside and how you expected him to fare in the game.

Survivor 2018 Ponderosa: John Hennigan Gallery

Survivor 2018: John Hennigan Ponderos Video

RELATED: Elizabeth Olson’s Ponderosa Video


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