Survivor 2019: Edge Of Extinction Player Rankings Week 5

The Survivor 2019 tribes will merge next week, so this is our last week at looking at all three tribes separately. So let’s take a look at how the remaining castaways stacked up this past week.


1. Joe. Obviously Joe holds onto the No. 1 spot. He just won’t let his tribe lose. And even though his competition prowess is going to do him in immediately at merge, he still earns this very top spot for now.

2. Aurora. She had a much better showing this week, so she jumps up to the second spot for her tribe.

3. Julia. Now that we finally got to see some of what Julia is made of, we can finally rank her properly! We look forward to seeing more from her.

4. Ron. I think Ron was sort of the leader of the tribe over Joe because he is in the majority, but we never got to see what would have happened if they had lost a challenge.

5. Julie. She talks a big game, but can she back it up? We will soon be finding out!



1. Victoria. This week Victoria takes the top spot from Eric. This girl came to play and is doing it so masterfully, if not brutally!

2. Gavin. Gavin jumps to No. 2 this week because he killed it in the completions this week. He did his part so well, even if the others didn’t.

3. Eric. He drops this week, but only because the other do out-shined him this past week.



1. Lauren. She might be a bit of a whiner, but she is the only reason they were able to get it together to win that first immunity challenge.

2. Kelley. I’m not much of a Kelley fan, but she was definitely better than the latter two this week. And now she has a hidden immunity idol, so that gives her additional power.

3. David. I think David has a lot of heart and he’s wise to the game. But he just isn’t playing well this time around. But lucky for him, someone is doing worse…

4. Wardog. I don’t know why I had Wardog ranked so high before because he is awful at the game. He sucks at comps and his social game is way off as everyone was talking about how much of a dictator he is. The only people worse than him in the game were probably Reem and Wendy.


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