Survivor 2022 Finale: Who Is Left?

It’s Survivor 2022 finale week, and we are down to the Final 5. So let’s take a look at who all has that one in five shot at winning the $1 million grand prize.

Last week we saw Omar, who was shaping up to be the frontrunner, blindsided and sent off to jury. That was all thanks to Maryanne’s plan that no one else even wanted to attempt. So does that make Maryanne the new frontrunner? Or the next biggest target? That remains to be seen. But let’s take a look at who remains in the game.

Here’s who is left on Survivor 42 (plus any advantages):

Mike Turner, retired firefighter (Hidden Immunity Idol)

Lindsay Dolashewich, dietitian

Maryanne Oketch, seminary student (Hidden Immunity Idol)

Jonathan Young, beach service co-owner

Romeo Escobar, pageant coach


Chanelle Howell

Rocksroy Bailey

Tori Meehan

Hai Giang

Drea Wheeler

Omar Zaheer


Jackson Fox (removed for medical reasons)

Zach Wurtenberger

Marya Sherron

Jenny Kim

Swati Goel

Daniel Strunk

Lydia Meredith

Be sure to join us back here Wednesday night starting at 8PM EST for our latest like recap of Survivor 42. We’ll share with you who wins immunity and who is sent packing as it happens.

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