Survivor 2022: Who Was Voted Off Survivor 43? – Week 2

After failing to secure safety at the Immunity Challenge for Week 2 of Survivor 43, Vesi found themselves visiting with Jeff at Wednesday night’s Tribal Council. Justine, Noelle, Nneka, Cody, Dwight, and Jesse all had a decision to make about the betterment of their tribe moving forward. However, one castaway had no vote and another found a beware advantage that they couldn’t wait to open. Read on to find out what happened after the Immunity Challenge on Survivor 2022 and who was voted off last night on Survivor!

After the Immunity Challenge took place, there was some talk from Noelle about how she felt that Nneka was the weakest link in their tribe. Noelle, who sat out during last night’s challenge, and some of the others noted that every time they looked over at Nneka during the challenge, she was just watching everyone else as they hoisted their giant snake over the top of the cage. Nneka also had a hand in the puzzle at the end of the challenge, which proved to be more difficult than their Tribe was anticipating.

When they returned to camp after the Immunity Challenge, Nneka was the topic of conversation and the plan to vote her out was brought to Cody’s attention. Cody then went to work to try and protect his number one ally and talked to Jesse who was also on board with keeping Nneka this week and with Jesse on board, they had the majority vote.

That didn’t stop Justine from continuing to throw Nneka’s name out to protect herself. Not to mention, Justine had been rubbing some of her fellow tribemates the wrong way for a little while now which gave Nneka, Cody, and Jesse the perfect reason to shift their target to her. However, when Cody found a Beware Advantage right before Tribal Council he realized that opening it right away wasn’t a good idea.

When Cody opened the advantage and read it, he realized that he found an Immunity Idol, but it came with a twist. This idol had no power until he was able to convince all his fellow tribemates to give him a bead off their bag. He couldn’t take the bead, they had to willingly give the bead to him. If he couldn’t collect all the beads, not only was the idol useless, but he also had no vote in the upcoming Tribal Council. Keep in mind, Dwight had to vote at this Tribal Council because he risked it and lost at the Prisoner’s Dilemma last week.

Right before sunset, we saw everyone give Cody their beads except for Noelle, who had used hers as a bracelet. While the castaways were voting, they showed us a clip of Cody receiving the final bead he needed to not only activate his idol but also saved his vote.

In the end, Justine voted Cody out, Noelle voted for Nneka to go, and Nneka, Jesse, and Cody all voted Justine out, making the vote 3-1-1 sending Justine home. Do you think that Justine was the right move? Or should Vesi have targeted someone else?

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