Survivor Blood Vs Water 2: Wes Nale Arrives At Ponderosa [VIDEO]

Survivor sent out its third string target this week after a run of Immunity Idols kept the castaways guessing what would happen next. Now Wes Nale, this week’s fallback option, is resting at Ponderosa in our latest video update.

Wes Nale settles in at Ponderosa
Wes Nale settles in at Ponderosa – Source: CBS

Wes observes that his dad Keith may have sunk their entire plan by announcing “stick to the plan” when he told him to play it cool and not act like Jon was going home. I’d say that was definitely a turning point in this week’s Tribal Council. Jeff did all he could to wave the warning flag at Jon, but it wasn’t until Keith got nervous that things really seemed to fall apart.

Checking in with the doctor Wes discovers he has lost nearly twenty pounds after dropping from 180 lbs down to around 160. He’s quick to working on back that up when he arrives at Ponderosa and starts chowing down. So much so that he manages to gain ten pounds back overnight. I’m not sure that’s possible, but that’s what the scales say.

Jeremy and Josh work their hardest to get more info out of Wes, but he’s more interested in living the good life of modern civilization and free flowing food.

Wes says his experience on Survivor has made him appreciate his family and life back home as he considers the bigger picture of things. Now he just hopes his dad can go far in the game and get to the end.

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Wes Nale arrives at Ponderosa:


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