Survivor Power Rankings: Winners At War Week 7

The Survivor 2020 new school players completed the decimation of the old school players this week when Yul was voted out.

So now that Yul is off to the Edge of Extinction, how do the others stack up? Let’s take a look. We will keep them divided by tribes until the merge next week.

Survivor 2020 Week 7 Power Rankings

Dakal (Red)

1. Denise. She holds onto the No. 1 spot based on the powers she used and how she’s been maneuvering the game. Love or hate her for the Sandra move, it was huge. She took out the only two-time winner (for now) and Sandra had been sitting pretty.

3. Kim. She keeps hold of the second spot because she sill has her idol and that’s major going into merge.

4. Jeremy. He still has that power that allows him to leave tribal council if he feels he’s in danger.

5. Tony. And since Tony has no powers, that automatically puts him at the bottom.

Sele (Blue)

1. Nick. Nick moves into the top spot now that Yul is gone. He has just had such an easy time so far.

2. Michele. She moves up ahead of Wendell because she had a lot of power in the vote this week. She and Nick could have easily sent Wendell out.

3. Wendell. He comes in last because he’s been really bad at the game socially and was almost voted out this week.

Yara (Green)

1. Sophie. She still has a full idol in her possession and is playing one of the most solid games this season.

2. Sarah. She has that steal-a-vote which will come in handy at merge.

3. Ben. It hurts me to not rank Ben at the bottom, but I think he is playing the right kind of game that will keep him safe for a long time. It’s probably not the kind of game to garner any votes at the end, though.

4. Adam. I’m still thinking Adam has had too many missteps to rank him higher than Ben at this point. And that is very painful to me.

How would you rank the remaining Survivor 40 players after week 7?



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