Survivor Blood Vs Water returns tonight for its sophomore episode after last week’s season premiere. Coyopa is in pursuit of its first win, but it’s still very early here so there’s plenty of time for them to catch up. Tonight could be the night.

Things pick up as Coyopa returns from their first Tribal Council where Nadiya was voted out over Dale who may have saved his Survivor life when he started fire for the tribe.
Speaking of fire, we’re promised an interesting situation at the Exile arena when Hunahpu loses their fire-starting flint. Combine that with an exciting Immunity Challenge return of the Sumo wrestling competition and this is looking like a fun night ahead for us.
Back at camp Josh explains to Baylor that he wrote her name down to throw the guys off their secret alliance’s trail. Hmm, she’s not so sure but says she hopes she can trust him. It’s an interesting idea, but this early on would anyone really pay attention?
Julie realizes the flint is missing from the Hunahpu camp and Jon quickly takes blame completely and over the top with his apologies. He hopes this will diffuse any tribal frustration at him.
Exile Island Challenge:
Jeff reveals the challenge which we saw earlier and the luxury is fishing gear. They rock paper scissors for it and Rocker wins over Reed. Rocker volunteers to go in to the challenge so he’ll face off against his girlfriend Julie.
John is struggling with the patience and calm approach to this challenge while Julie quickly gets through and stands to land her balls on the ramp. She’s just a step away from finishing as John continues to work on making it to the second phase.
Julie wins and sends John off to Exile. She’ll pick who from her own tribe will join him while Julie takes back the luxury item of fishing gear. Wait, not so fast.
Reed asks Jeff if they can trade their bag of beans for flint. Jeff scoffs at their offer and says he’ll trade flint for their entire luxury item of fishing gear. Initially the tribe seems ready to decline that offer but finally they wise up and agree to the deal. Jeff had told them the next time they tried to trade it’d take a LOT more than just some fishing gear for another flint.
Back at Coyopa Dale starts to speculate about John’s past and wonders if he’s the Atlanta Braves pitcher who gave that interview. Yep, that’s the guy. Josh suggests that he isn’t concerned about what he’s done in the past and can work with him on the tribe.
Over at Exile Island Jeremy also realizes who John is but says people can change and wants to work with him. Jeremy offers a deal that he’ll share his Idol clue with John if John helps to keep Val, Jeremy’s wife, safe on Coyopa. It’s a deal.
Immunity Challenge:
It’s the Sumo wrestling comp. Julie sits out as the tribes race to be the first to five wins.
Round 1: Jaclyn vs Kelley – Jaclyn wins a point for Coyopa
Round 2: Alec vs Drew – Drew wins a point for Hunahpu
Round 3: Jeremy vs Wes – Jeremy wins a point for Coyopa
Round 4: Natalie vs Val – Natalie wins a point for Hunahpu
Round 5: John vs Jon – Whoa! Jon wins a point for Hunahpu
Round 6: Missy vs Baylor – Missy may have thrown that & it’s a point for Coyopa
Round 7: Josh vs Reed – Reed wins a point for Hunahpu
Round 8: Keith vs Dale – Dale wins a point for Coyopa
Round 9: Jaclyn vs Kelley – Kelley wins a point & the comp for Hunahpu
It all came down to the rematch in the ninth round and Kelley found redemption and safety for her tribe. Coyopa heads back to Tribal Council where someone will be voted out tonight.
John made a deal with Jeremy to keep Val safe in exchange for the clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Back at his camp John goes digging and finds it. He tries to set the votes up to split and target Baylor, but will it work?
Tribal Council:
Dale points out their tribe did very poorly against loved ones and only Baylor beat her mom. Heck, even that was a questionable win after getting hurt and her mom seemingly bailing on the challenge.
Val calls out Baylor for flipping on the girls to side with the guys last week. Jaclyn isn’t happy with Baylor either. The guys start speculating over Val’s claim that she has two Idols.
It’s time to vote. John does not play his Idol.
Jeff reveals the votes: Val, Baylor, Val, Baylor, Val, Baylor, Baylor, Val. It’s a tie. Re-vote. Baylor and Val can’t vote, but the rest will.
Re-vote results: Baylor, Val, Val, Val, Val. Val is voted out of Survivor Blood Vs Water.
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