Jeff Probst at Survivor Tribal Council - Source: CBS
Another Survivor castaway was voted off last night and sent to Ponderosa while the rest moved closer to next week’s Survivor 2015 finale. It was time to watch a desperate Mike scramble for safe passage.
Merica headed back to camp last night following Tyler’s elimination but considering even Carolyn, his closest ally, was in on the job I don’t think anyone’s going to be too upset. Tyler was a strong player and rightfully feared of reaching the end.
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Reward Challenge:
Two teams of three with Mike, Carolyn, and Will on Red while Rodney, Dan, and Sierra play for Blue. Teams must cross an obstacle course and build a word puzzle to head off for some refueling ahead of the next Immunity Challenge.
The winning tribe gets a helicopter tour that ends with a surf ‘n turf and wine meal. Jeff rubs it in that Rodney still hasn’t won a Reward and asks why Rodney feels so entitled for a reward when he keeps losing.
Things get pitiful when it’s been an hour and no one can figure out the word puzzle. Jeff is giving them lots of clues, but it’s not helping. Probst says this is officially the longest puzzle challenge. He gives more prompts when suddenly… Red has it and they win Reward!
Carolyn debates giving up her seat on the Reward but when Jeff points out that she’s giving him fuel for the next Immunity Challenge Carolyn decides to keep it for herself. Smart. At the Reward lunch Mike pushes for them to be the F3 and Carolyn sounds interested, but Will stays silent. He’s not going to bite.
Immunity Challenge:
Castaways are ready for the next challenge and there’s plenty of worry that Mike will win Immunity again and they’ll have to turn on each other again.
Players must use a grapple hook to draw back three bags then take the ball to the balancing maze puzzle.
Mike has a big lead as the rest of them struggle with the hooks but Dan is soon with him at the puzzle. Meanwhile everyone else is back at the bags like they’ve forgotten how to toss something out in front of them.
Sierra joins Mike and Dan before making great progress and catches up as it’s Mike and Sierra right at the very end. Mike is bouncing all around the last step… Mike wins Immunity! Someone is going home at Tribal, but it won’t be Mike tonight.
Tribal Council:
Tribe is trying to decide between Dan and his special power or Carolyn. Mike tries to leverage the Dan plan, but Dan isn’t buying it. Oh wait, or is he?
Jeff goes to tally the votes when Dan calls out. He’s playing his special power, an extra vote tonight. Jeff confirms it’s legit and the 7th vote of the night.
But wait again, there’s more! Carolyn plays her Hidden Immunity Idol just before Jeff reveals the votes. Boy was that the right move for her too.
Votes: Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, Dan, Dan.
Dan Foley was voted off Survivor 2015 Worlds Apart tonight.
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Did the Survivor castaways make the right choice this week when it came time for the Tribal Council vote? The numbers are dwindling and we’ve got just a few weeks left on Survivor 2015 so get ready for big action as we count down to the season 30 finale.
Survivor 2015 – Episode 13 Tribal Vote:
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