Ready to find out who was voted off Survivor last night as we head back to Second Chance’s beach in Cambodia and follow the three tribes as Angkor continues to sink and looks for an immunity win against Bayon and Ta Keo.

Last week we said goodbye to Jeff Varner who lost his chance at the million dollars and this week someone else is set to follow him after the “Air Raid” challenge decides which players can pull off the win with a slingshot aimed at the targets below.
Reward returns as well with a skeeball themed challenge and a barrel roll obstacle course that’ll leave one castaway spinning. Good thing they’ve haven’t had too much to eat with that one, but soon after one tribe might be scoring some extra food with the prize.
Think you know who will be winning immunity tonight? Stick with us here as we live recap tonight’s Survivor 2015 episode and share the latest results on who was voted off.
The show kicks off with Angkor reeling from their latest trip to tribal. We’ve got Abi-Maria hoping she didn’t make the wrong choice saving Woo and we’ve got Andrew and Tasha patting themselves on the back. Don’t get too cocky, though, guys. You know what that can lead to.
Meanwhile, there are two other tribes, despite all the airtime Angkor get. Over at Bayon, the girls are clamming. But what is Ta Keo up to? Looks like fighting over clams is more important. Maybe we’ll find out what Ta Keo is up to later.
Reward Challenge
It’s Reward Challenge Time. Angkor and Ta Keo kept the lead the entire challenge as Bayon trailed. So it was no surprise when Bayon went back to camp empty-handed. Coming in first place, however, was Ta Keo with Angkor second.
Immunity Challenge
The challenge puts the players racing up an obstacle course to find the sandbag launch game from last season. Can Angkor pull of a win or will they be back at Tribal tonight?
Ta Keo Scores first. Then Spencer, then Savage, making it a 1-1-1 tie. And it was looking a little close until Fishbach scored a point for Angkor. And I lost track with that chaos, so who knows what the score is at this point. And Angkor wins immunity! So it’s between Ta Keo and Bayon for the other immunity win.
And it’s Ta Keo for the other immunity win! Bayon will being going to Tribal.
Tribal Council
It sounds like it’s between Kelly Wigglesworth or Spencer with the possibility of Monica thrown in for suspense. It sounds more like Wigglesworth will be going home, but we will soon see.
Votes: Kelly, Spencer, Kelly, Monica, Monica, Monica. It’s a blindside. By a vote of 3-2-1, Monica was voted off Survivor Second Chance.
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