Survivor Results: Who Was Voted Off Last Night? 11/18/2015

Survivor was ready to deliver another round of challenges and a tribal council as the castaways marched toward the season finale of Second Chance. Who was voted off Survivor last night?

Jeff Probst at Survivor 2015 Tribal CouncilJeff Probst at Survivor 2015 Tribal Council
Jeff Probst at Survivor 2015 Tribal Council – Source: CBS

Savage is out and the “witches coven” trio needed to keep up the pace if they wanted to stay ahead of anyone looking to come back for revenge. Let’s see who won Reward and Immunity last night.

Ciera, Kelley, and Abi have put themselves out there but the other castaways still have some big targets to take care of if they want to make it to the end.

We’ll also follow along with tonight’s hunt for the next Idol now that Kelley has played hers and the castaways know there’s a new one up for grabs. Who do you want to see grab that power? Stick with us here as we live recap tonight’s show.

Reward Challenge:
Castaways are split in to teams of five, leaving one player out, where they’ll build a staircase leading to a key that unlocks a chest containing puzzle pieces revealing a combination code to award the win. Phew! That’s a lot of steps!

Schoolyard pick gives up one team of Keith, Kelley, Kimmi, Kelly, and Jeremy (Green). The other team has Stephen, Spencer, Tasha, Ciera, and Joe (Purple). Shockingly, Abi was not picked. Can ya believe it??

Purple takes a huge lead at the stair steps and rope-key phase, but then things start to stall for them at the puzzle before it takes off again. Green isn’t even close as Spencer and Ciera finish the last step with a combination and win Reward. Purple team is off to the Survivor Spa.

Hidden Immunity Idol:
Jeremy Collins finds the clue in a tree that sends him to a torch in the night where he secures his second active Idol.

Immunity Challenge:
Castaways must balance on triangle platforms floating out in the water. They can’t sit or use their hands. Last player standing wins Immunity.

After 8 minutes Jeff offers a temptation that will give them an advantage in the game. Buoys pop up from the water and the first to touch it gets a mystery prize. Fishbach and Spencer both dive in but Fishbach gets there just a moment sooner than Spencer.

It comes down to Abi and Joe as they’re the last two left and must balance on just one foot on the top of the pyramid. Okay, you’ll be shocked but Joe wins Immunity. Who would have ever expected that, huh? Someone is going to Ponderosa tonight, but it won’t be Joe Anglim.

Tribal Council:
Heading in to this one we’ve got a lot of moving parts with possible targets of Wiglesworth, Wentworth, Ciera, and who knows who else. Lots of trust issues at play in this one that should make for a nail-bitter among the castaways.

Jeff reveals the votes: Ciera, Wentworth, Wiglesworth, Ciera, Wentworth, Wiglesworth, Ciera, Wiglesworth, Wiglesworth, Wiglesworth.

Kelly Wiglesworth of Season 1 was voted off Survivor tonight. Think the tribe made the right choice?

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Published by
Matt Boyer

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