Survivor Results: Who Was Voted Off Last Night? 4/13/2016

The guys take the lead and are off to the sandbag toss portion of the challenge. The ladies are trailing, but they’re not too far behind. It’s Scot vs Debbie near the end and both are doing great… Jason pulls off the victory.

Immunity Challenge:
Individual immunity again this week as it will be from now on, of course. Castaways must carefully set up a row of domino blocks while avoiding tipping them over thanks to a fragile trellis laying at their feet. This looks messy.

The guys are struggling as they continue to knock off their blocks. Michele is leading with Debbie and Aubry just behind her but Julia isn’t far off either. Michele tips her blocks over… but no! It doesn’t happen and stops just before reaching the end gong.

Debbie steps up for the win… but no again! This looks very tough to gauge and get your dominos to tip over in the right direction. Jason tries to but his also fail to reach the end. This is tense!

Julia wins immunity! Good thing for her too because she was Aubry’s hot target for the week.

Tribal Council:
Someone will be voted off Kaoh Rong this week and after last week’s blindside everyone should be on edge. Aubry wanted Julia out, but Julia is safe and she’s teaming up with the guys but she’s also telling the girls she’s with them.

Now Jason and Tai reveal they have Idols and will use them to protect their three person alliance with Scot. This puts everyone in a scramble to decide what to do with their votes. This should be fun.

Jeff reveals the votes: Scot, Cydney, Scot, Cydney, Cydney, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie.

Well that was weird. Debbie Wanner was voted off Survivor tonight.

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