Six castaways remained but one was voted off Survivor last night as we’re down to the final weeks of Season 32 Kaoh Rong as the Brawn, Brains, and Beauty tribes are all still represented in the race for the million dollar prize.

Following Tai’s betrayal of his trio alliance the circle has tightened around Jason following Scot and Julia’s eliminations, but could he get another reprieve this week with a new target taking priority?
Don’t forget you can watch Survivor on CBS All Access with either the Live TV streaming or catch the full episodes later in the archives. Read on to find out who got voted off Survivor this week during Kaoh Rong with the return of Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty!
Reward Challenge:
Castaways will be working in teams with (Yellow) Joe, Aubry, and Cydney going against (Blue) Tai, Jason, and Michele. They’ll have to get across the water course then work together to move three balls through the maze and land them in the middle.
Reward is a trip to a local animal sanctuary where Jeff has promised Jason they’ll let him live out his days there. Oh, and there’s a picnic.
Blue crushed Yellow in the initial race to get everyone out to the maze platform and they didn’t slow their pace. Blue had two out of three balls in place before Yellow even had their first. This should be a sure thing for Blue at this point… Yep, there they go with the win.
Immunity Challenge:
Players will have to spell out Immunity as they work on keeping the base board balanced thanks to an attached rope. One block at a time will take awhile and I’m sure we’ll get plenty of restarts along the way.
Joe is working at a strong pace in first place as Michele is just behind him… oops, nevermind. Joe drops his stack leaving Michele in the lead and Tai not far back… nevermind again as Michele drops her stack! That’s Tai in first… guess what happened. Yep.