Survivor Results: Who Was Voted Off Last Night? 5/11/2016

It comes down to Joe as the rest of the castaways wait on him. He has five bags and three targets to hit… Joe wins Reward! Wow. That was a great comeback. Now he gets to pick one person to join him and he goes with Aubry but wait, there’s more. Joe lets Aubry pick the other person and she goes with Cydney.

Well, Joe might have done himself in. He ate 8 servings of beef and now he can’t urinate and is constipated. Medical pays him a visit but doesn’t pull him yet. Considering we’re running low on time we may be working towards a medevac. Also considering there were no immunity challenge preview pics this week suggests that comp might not have happened…

Yep, here goes Joe. Medical is pulling him from the game. Since he can’t urinate it could pass up in to his kidneys and cause longterm damage. Well that stinks. Hell of a survivor at any age much less 71.

Jeff says this is the most medevacs ever in one season with three events.

Immunity Challenge:
No competition this week since Joe is being removed from Survivor Kaoh Rong.

Tribal Council:
No Tribal event either this week. CBS’s promo that had Jeff telling the castaways about “just when you feel safe” was from the campsite after Joe’s medevac. No one was voted off this week.

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