Survivor 2022: Who Was Voted Off Survivor Last Night? 4/27/2022

Survivor 2022 was back last night, and double immunity was up for grabs. Who won safety after a grueling endurance challenge, and who was sent off to jury? Read on to find out.

Be sure to join us here starting at 8 PM EST for our live recap of Survivor 42. We will keep up updated on all the drama, all the competition results, and what goes down at the next exciting Tribal Council.

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First up we will check in with merged tribes who are calling themselves Kula Kula, and see how they’re dealing with the fallout from Chanelle’s elimination last week. Romeo works on pretending it’s all good despite having three votes put on him at the last Tribal Council. Hai also tries to sus out who wrote his name down. No one will own up to it (it was Romeo). Hai knows it’s Romeo, though, and decides to try to push him as the next target. But Rocksroy wants the guys to target another woman so the guys can stay strong.

But will all the guys be on board to form an all-guys alliance? Of course not.

Immunity Challenge

This week, two necklaces are up for grabs. The players are split into two teams of five. There will also be two Tribal Councils and two eliminations. the person who stays up the longest also wins a food reward for their team.

Here are the teams:

Blue: Drea, Jonathan, Tori, Lindsay, MaryAnn

Orange: Mike, Rocksroy, Omar, Romeo, Hai

Who will take the individual immunity necklaces and be safe from elimination tonight? Let’s get to it and find out!

Hai wins immunity for Orange!

Jonathan wins immunity for Blue!

And then Hai drops which means Jonathan wins reward for his team.

Tribal Council

Who will be the next two castaways sent packing from Survivor 42? Let’s count the votes and see.

Tribal Council 1

The votes: Romeo, Rocksroy, Rocksroy, Rocksroy. Rocksroy is voted out.

Tribal Council 2

Drea and MaryAnne play their idols. They can’t be voted out. Tori decides to play her shot in the dark. And since they discussed their votes out in the open, it will be Tori who goes unless her Shot in the Dark says she’s safe.

Is she safe? No. Tori is voted out.

What do you think of the Survivor 2022 results tonight? Did they make the right decision? Who would you have sent home?


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