Reward is back and after last week’s helicopter ride around the Kaoh Rong beaches it’ll be hard to top that adventure, but any chance at a break from rice and the campsite will be a welcomed diversion.

We’ve got an even number of castaways left on Survivor this week and a team event so everyone gets to play for a change. Here’s a look at the teams and what they’ll be doing for a chance at luxury for the afternoon.
Teams this week have Joe, Aubry, and Cydney are playing against Tai, Jason, and Michele. Both teams will start on the far side of the water course before diving in one at a time and swimming and running (shallow water nets perhaps?) over to the far platform.
Once everyone is to the other end they’ll work together to navigate a ball through a giant maze. First to finish wins reward. This one looks pretty cool. Check out the pics below to see it in action and get ready for Wednesday’s show to see who wins. Which team do you think it’ll be?
Source: CBS