Survivor Spoilers – Game Changers Finale Challenge Revealed [PICS]

We’ve got our first look at the Survivor spoilers for what the final six castaways of Game Changers will face during Wednesday night’s season finale. Get ready to do some moving and shaking.

Jeff Probst greets castaways on Survivor 2017

Here comes the giant maze for these last castaways as they’ll be racing to collect pieces and assemble a vertical puzzle for their chance to secure a spot in the F5. Who can pull it off?

This one is going to require a lot of speed to collect the pieces and even more smarts to get it together in time. Brad just pulled off that move last week so he’s definitely a contender. I’d eliminate Cirie due to the speed issue. The rest are probably in this too though.

One thing I’m thinking of is how Tai is handing out his hidden Idols. If he’s got 2 of them then why would he do that if he could play them at F6 and F5? Maybe he pulls off the win here? Then again Brad talks about being okay with sending Tai out with his own Idols so who knows.

Either way, check out the screen grabs below and watch the promo clip that reveals the challenge in action. This is probably all we’ll get to see for challenges at this point. Anything beyond this would likely reveal who survived the next Tribal Council and who didn’t.

Survivor 2017 Week 12 Immunity Challenge:

Source: CBS
Image credit: CBS Entertainment


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