Tonight on Survivor 2014 the newly formed Aparri and Solana tribes will return to the playing fields with two more challenges ahead of them. Oh there’s fun off the field too though with Trish and Lindsey going at it hardcore to the point that Jeff Probst has to pay a late night visit to Aparri to see what’s going on. That’s never good!

We’re live blogging the full episode recap here on the site tonight too, but these are just the highlights on who won challenges and who was voted off Survivor tonight.
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Quitter Alert:
- Lindsey Ogle quit Survivor. Quitter.
Reward Challenge – “Idol Hands”:
- Round 1: Spencer vs Woo – Spencer/Aparri gets the point!
- Round 2: Trish vs Tasha – Trish/Solana gets the point
- Round 3: Jefra vs Sarah – Sarah/Aparri gets the point
- Round 4: LJ vs Jeremiah – LJ/Solana gets the point
- Round 5: Tony vs Morgan – Tony/Solana gets the point
- Round 6: Spencer vs Woo – Woo/Solana gets the point & wins Reward
Tony & Woo follow Aparri back to their camp where their Reward is to raid the campsite and steal their best stuff. Ouch. They steal their comfort items plus a fishing kit.
Hidden Immunity Idol:
- Jeremiah is targeted by a trick from Tony to frame him as having a clue, but he doesn’t.
Immunity Challenge:
- Sitting out: Morgan & Tasha
- Solana wins Immunity!
- Aparri heads to Tribal Council
Tribal Council – Eliminated Castaway:
- Votes: Jeremiah, Alexis, Alexis, Alexis, & Alexis
- Alexis is voted out 4-1, that’s enough. #Blindside!
What did you think of tonight’s Survivor results? Was the right player voted off Survivor?