Last night on Survivor 2014, the Cagayan castaways voted another player out as the seven remaining dropped to six just weeks ahead of the season finale. Find out who won the challenges and which player was voted off Survivor.

We’re live blogging the full episode recap here on the site tonight too, but these are just the highlights on who won challenges and who was voted off Survivor tonight.
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Survivor Auction:
- Round 1: Trish wins candy & popcorn
- Round 2: Jefra wins salsa & chips
- Round 3: Kass gets a sandwich
- Round 4: Trish wins rice & water. Hah!
- Round 5: Woo takes home ribs & a beer
- Round 6: The advantage is up. Spencer & Tony must draw rocks to get the prize. Tony wins the advantage. Oh ffs.
Hidden Immunity Idol:
- Tony has a clue to yet another buried Immunity Idol from his auction advantage.
- Tony finds the Immunity Idol at the base of a nearby tree. He shows it off to his alliance.
Immunity Challenge:
- Survivors must dig up a series of balls and then be the first to navigate them down a maze and secure Immunity
- Tasha wins Immunity!
Tribal Council – Eliminated Castaway:
- Votes: Spencer, Jefra, Spencer, Jefra, Spencer, Jefra, & Jefra!
- Jefra is voted out in another blindside!
What did you think of tonight’s Survivor results? Was the right player voted off Survivor tonight?