Last night on Survivor 2014 the season started with eighteen castaways arriving in the jungle to battle it out against loved ones for the chance to become the Sole Survivor and a million dollars richer. Find out who won the challenge and who was voted off Survivor tonight.

We were live blogging the full episode recap here on the site too, but these are just the highlights on who won challenges and who was voted off Survivor tonight.
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Exile Island Challenge:
- Couple Jeremy and Val Collins face off for luxury vs Exile Island
- Jeremy wins flint & a bag of goodies
- Jeremy selects Keith from his own tribe to join Val in Exile
Immunity Challenge – “Temple of Syrinx”:
- Hunahpu defeats Coyopa for Immunity
Tribal Council – Eliminated Castaway:
- Votes: Nadiya, Dale, Baylor, Dale, Nadiya, Dale, Nadiya, Nadiya, Nadiya
- Nadiya was voted off Survivor tonight
What did you think of the Survivor results? Was the right castaway voted off Survivor tonight?
Survivor 2014 Blood Vs Water – Tribal Voting – Episode 01: