Tonight on Survivor 2015 the second episode of Worlds Apart airs with “It Will Be My Revenge” which certainly sounds like an intriguing title. Here we come, drama!
Update: Find out who was voted off last night on Survivor for the latest results.

This week’s Survivor episode returns to just one-hour after last week’s extended premiere so get ready to watch tonight starting at 8PM ET/PT and find out just who is getting their revenge on Worlds Apart.
We’ve had a look at photos from episode 02 along with clips that showed a very upset Nina Poersch who was frustrated with her tribe plus a run through of this week’s Immunity Challenge. Looks like this one to go to any of the three tribes and considering how last week’s challenge fell apart for the White Collars this could be anyone’s game.
Oh, and Max Dawson decides to pull a Richard Hatch. I don’t even think it’s his birthday!