Is Tai about to overplay his hand on Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong tonight? With Julia and Scot out the next target seems to be Jason, but now Tai has other plans and the tribe might not be too happy about that.

Tai still has his Idol and special power, but the clock is ticking on both of those and he’ll need to play them sooner or later. That might need to be sooner if the promos are accurate in their suggestion that Cydney isn’t having any of this Tai nonsense.
Michele won Immunity last round and that makes her the tall blade of grass in Tai’s eyes over Jason who most should feel secure going against before the Jury. Now Aubry is caught in the middle as she needs to decide which side she’ll be supporting at the next Tribal Council. So does neither Tai or Michele win Immunity or was all this talk just pre challenge?
Join us back here at 8PM ET for our live coverage as we wait to see who wins Reward, Immunity, and just how that vote goes at the next Tribal Council. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for more Survivor coverage!