Tonight on Survivor 2018: ‘Diamond In The Rough,’ Plus: Challenge Sneak Peeks

Update: Find out who was voted off Survivor tonight in our live recap!

Tonight on Survivor 2018, we’ll find out how the Naviti tribe deals with the fall out of Brendan’s elimination last week, and which tribe will head to tribal council this week to send the next player home.

We’ll also have another reward challenge, a player sent off to Ghost Island and of course the immunity challenge.

Reward Challenge Sneak Peek

This clip was supposed to just be an episode sneak peak, but we get the full start of the reward challenge where they will be playing for coffee and pastries. Check it out for details on the competition.

Sneak Peek at the immunity challenge “Hitch a Ride”

Tribes start in the middle of the beach behind huge spools of rope. On go, one player from each tribe grabs a boogie board attached to that rope and make their way across floating balance beams. When they get to the end, they grab a satchel with a numbered tile. Then they jump in the water and the tribe reels them back in like a giant fish. As soon as the player is back to the beach, he or she races up and drops the number tile. Then another player repeats the process.

Once they all four number tiles, they make their way to the finish deck where two players use those numbers to solve a combination lock. When they do they, they unlock a key that unlocks a slide puzzle they must complete first to win the challenge. How is that for a convoluted mess?

Survivor 2018 Episode 5 Sneak Peek Gallery

We’ll find out tonight who wins reward, immunity, who heads off to Ghost Island, and who goes home with our live coverage tonight at 8PM ET right here on the site. Be sure to join us back at that time and chat throughout the episode with other Survivor fans! And as always, we’ll have content for you all season long, including previews, interviews, spoilers and recaps.


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