Say goodbye to the tribes on Survivor 2015 and hello to the newly merged Worlds Apart tribe when the show returns next Wednesday.

We had only just met Nagarote and Escameca but they’re already coming to an end as we saw in the preview clip for next week’s Survivor 2015.
All the remaining castaways, twelve of them at this point, will settle in at one camp and battle it out with individual immunity challenges from now on.
Gallery: Tribes Merge on Survivor 2015 – Worlds Apart
The challenges might be individual, but let’s look at the old original tribes. White Collar will have just three of its members in the newly merged tribe. No Collar will have four of its original cast. Blue Collar comes out on top with five of its six when things come together. Blue has the most, but if White and No figure out they can bind together and overcome those numbers then we could have an interesting fight on our hands.
The Collar tribes are gone, but what about the No Collar alliance? Joe Anglim gives insight: