Only six castaways remain on Kaoh Rong as we’re just over two weeks away from the Survivor 2016 finale where one of these people will be awarded a million dollars and the title of Sole Survivor!

After last week’s Tribal Council elimination of Julia we saw Jason earn a stay of at least another week but now he might have a better chance than we thought. With the dismantled Brawn alliance pushed to the back burner it may be time to look at another target.
Will Tai’s turn finally be up this week? He’s gotta play that extra vote this week, right? Since next week there will be just five players and he’s still got that extra Immunity Idol. The majority alliance better start coming up with a few plans and that should keep us busy on Wednesday night.
Here’s who we have left in the Kaoh Rong season:
Merged Tribe – Dara:
- Michele Fitzgerald
- Cydney Gillon
- Kyle Jason
- Joseph Del Campo
- Tai Trang
- Aubry Bracco
Julia Sokolowski– voted off last week
And of course while Dara winds down the Jury is building. Here is a list of who will be making that decision on the million dollar winner.
Survivor Kaoh Rong Jury:
- Neal Gottlieb
- Nick Maiorano
- Debbie Wanner
- Scot Pollard
- Julia Sokolowski
Any picks for who you’d like to see voted off next?