Another loss last week for Gondol on Survivor 2016 dropped their numbers to five Kaoh Rong castaways but now their tribe is about to get a lot bigger.

The Tribe Merge has arrived on Survivor in week seven as eleven castaways will come together at the Gondol camp site and prepare for the biggest shift yet in their game play.
Individual immunity has arrived and the strongest players will no longer be a team advantage, but a game wide threat with all but one up for vote-off each round at Tribal Council.
So who will be the first to go post Merge? Check out who is left on Survivor Kaoh Rong and get ready for Wednesday’s episode.
Blue Tribe – Chan Loh:
- Debbie Wanner
- Neal Gottlieb
- Michele Fitzgerald
- Cydney Gillon
- Nick Maiorano
- Kyle Jason
Yellow Tribe – Gondol:
- Scot Pollard
Peter Baggenstos– voted out last week- Joseph Del Campo
- Tai Trang
- Aubry Bracco
- Julia Sokolowski
Any picks for who you’d like to see voted off next?